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Funded in September 2014 and fully operating since January 2015, the Food Identity Association (FIA) aims to create a community and a network within the actors involved in the world of #typical, #origin linked and #quality #food and #beverages products.

The #FIA has been working to create a strong community including former and current students from the international Master Food Identity, professors, professionals, universities and institutions working and interested on the terroir sector.

As an association, we are very attached to the Master Food Identity thanks to the following inculcated values :

Diversity - Respect and welcome cultural, linguistic, ethnic, religious, food, socio-economic and age diversity, promoting exchanges and meetings between people.

Sustainability - Promote actions and initiatives that take into account all dimensions of sustainable development: equitable sharing of resources, safeguarding and protecting natural resources and cultures, as well as sustainability and sustainability.

Sharing - Sharing experiences, resources and knowledge among members and all other stakeholders involved in producing and training on typical and quality products.

Solidarity - Create solidarity links, not only between members of the association, but also with people and third-party communities.

Terroir - Understand the plurality of elements that are part of a territory and promote the safeguarding of traditional practices and know-how, as well as biological, agricultural, cultural and food diversity in the world.

Ethics, Commitment and Transparency - Be committed to transparency, clarity and ethics, to foster relationships of trust.

Global Approach - To have a global look at the production and consumption of food in the world, considering its complexity and its totality in time and space.

If you share all these values and want to give a hand to develop it through the Food Identity Association, just click here !

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